Hästens Sleep Spa - CBR Boutique Hotel

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2024/04/18 2
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sleep spa

Hästens Sleep Spa is the first and only hotel in the world where you can enjoy the Hästens Sleep Spa experience. Hästens, the most prestigious bed brand in the world, selected the city of Coimbra for the worldwide launch of the Hästens Sleep Spa brand, with the purpose of providing a unique and exclusive sleeping experience.

As an adults-only hotel, this is the ideal place for those who seek and value tranquility, rest, and, of course, comfort. Situated in Coimbra city centre, the hotel features a terrace with a panoramic view of the River Mondego.

Number of Rooms:



Hotel, Superior

what guests love

    Getting there

    _ Paid parking. The hotel is located on a pedestrian street, and recommends parks for parking.


    Coimbra Coimbra, Coimbra +351239246960 www.cbrboutiquehotel.com

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